28 Mantras for Moving On
What is a mantra?
Mantra’s are powerful statements that make an individual feel empowered. They often include first person words like ‘I’ and are frequently but not limited to being in the future tense. This gives the sense that an action is going to happen and the individual is committing to acting or being in a certain way, because they know it will better themselves or help them through a situation. In this case the following mantras are to help with ‘moving on’ from a difficult or unwanted situation that is occurring in the present or that is lingering from the past. It’s important to note that mantra’s are VERY personal things. Some people will agree and others disagree what a good mantra is. No one is telling you how you should think and act, only to encourage you to be inspired by something. Choose mantras that resonate with you and disregard the ones that don’t.
How to use mantras for moving on
Mantras can be placed on pieces of paper around your home as reminders. You could place one on your mirror or fridge so you are forced to see it everyday. You could add your favourite mantras to a vision board, a wellbeing journal or any other notebooks you keep. If you are using any kind of habit tracking logs or self improvement worksheets, that’s also a helpful place to use a mantra. Mantras can be repeated at the end of a meditation or yoga session, they can be shared with friends for accountability. They can be used as ‘new years resolutions’ for inspiring change in the following year. You could even print your mantra on a t-shirt or make it a prominent feature on your social media to inspire others! There are no limits to what you can do with Mantras.